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Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

The governance and operation of the Center comply with provisions set in the University’s Senate Legislation, other policy documents, and the World Banks operational procedures. As per the structure approved by the University Senate, ACE Climate SABC operates as semi-autonomous Center with functional linkage to College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and other relevant academic units of the University. The Center draws the majority of its teaching and research faculty as well as laboratory resources from the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and other additional supports from other colleges and units of the University. The Centre has its own leader, deputy leader, project manager, training and research head, finance officer, procurement and property management officer, communication officer, officer manager river.

The Center Graduate Council was formally established on May 24, 2018 at the presence of the Center Leaders, all deans, and department Heads, as well as Graduate Council members of Haramaya University. The Council is constituted from all relevant schools and directorates and chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs while the Director for Postgraduate Programs serves as its secretary. The Council is responsible for periodic quality assessment and assurance as well as for approving admission, scholarship awards, course offering assignments, research proposals and grants, dissertation/theses for defense and submission, graduation.