Assessing information needs of different actors (extension agents, farmers, experts, policy makers) to make decisions with respect to climate change; ability to incorporate relevant and updated climate knowledge and information into decision-making processes; the role of social factors (networks, gender, social norms, values, climate-attitudes), and uncertainty in decision to adopt CSA technologies and practices; identification of effective outreach strategies to favorably influence beliefs, climate-risk perceptions and willingness of farmers to respond/adapt to climate change
Incentives and constrains farmers face while making adoption decision
Adaptation action as a semi-public good and assessing farmers’ willingness to undertake adaptation practices; assessing the level of climate-risk perceptions and capacity to respond; assessing the effectiveness of investments in adaptive capacity development at farm, landscape and agro-ecosystem levels; market-based incentives and awareness of the long-term ecological benefits as drivers for adaptation
Social learning and innovation as a mechanism to enhance adaptation and mitigation capacity at farm level
Assessing the existing innovation models applicability to climate-related behaviors, given the strong influence of national, regional and international governance regimes on farmers adaptation and mitigation actions
Intra-household dynamics in farm level decisions related to CSA technology adoption
Policy related factors affecting adoption of climate smart agricultural technologies (varieties, irrigation systems) in the context of declining yield and increasing agricultural water stresses; the role of social networks
Entrepreneurship and commercialization of CSA technologies
Assessing the differentiated effects of seasonality on communities and households across years with respect to consumption expenditure and drawing patterns in food consumption and dietary diversity
Land titling, certification and land tenure security and investment in CSA technologies.