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Theme One

Theme One: Climate Smart Crop Production and Management

 Areas of Research Focus (Priorities)

  1. Crop improvement
  2. Collection, conservation, characterization and evaluation of indigenous orphan crops and their wild relatives for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, and for nutritional, medicinal, and cultural values
  3. Genetic dissection of crop tolerance/resistance to abiotic (drought, water logging, heat, salinity, CO2 concentration, acidity) and biotic stresses (diseases & insect pests)
  4. Genetic dissection of crop resistance to biotic stresses related to climate change (QTL mapping)
  5. Evaluation and identification of crop varieties that are tolerant/resistant to climate change  related abiotic (drought, water  logging, heat, frost, salinity, acidity, etc) and biotic stresses through Marker Assisted Selection (MAS)
  6. Evaluation and identification of crop varieties for improved nutrient use- efficiency (nitrogen, phosphorus) to reduce reliance on inorganic fertilizer sources
  7. Evaluation and identification of crop varieties for improved nutritional content (protein and micro-nutrients- Fe, Zn) and other quality traits
  8. Introduction, evaluation and identification of new climate change resilient crops and varieties (e.g., millets )
  9. Elucidation of physiological mechanisms responsible for stress tolerance through application of bioinformatics and genetic engineering approaches
  10. Cropping Systems
    Evaluation and identification of climate resilient cropping systems (multiple cropping patterns, crop rotations, integrated crop-livestock production systems, agroforestry, incorporation of legumes in cropping systems,  agro-biodiversity enhancement (crop diversification)
    Evaluation and application of GIS tools for crop suitability mapping for different agro-ecologies
  • Crop Management
    Evaluation and Development of Climate Smart Crop Management Practices such as conservation agriculture (minimum tillage, crop residue management, mulching, cover crop), integrated nutrient management (composting, FYM, BNF, Inorganic, etc.), water management (water saving irrigation systems, tied ridging, water harvesting, etc.), nitrogen management (type, rate, time and method of application, etc.)
    Evaluation and application of precision agriculture practices
    Evaluation and application of protected agricultural practices (green house, hydroponics, urban agriculture, etc.)
    Identification of best crop management practices (planting date, water and fertilizer rate, pest and disease management, etc.) using crop modeling methods.

  1. Crop Protection
  2. Assessment of emerging plant diseases, insect pests, and invasive weeds
  3. Studying epidemiology of emerging plant diseases under changing climate
    Evaluation and development effective management practices for emerging and re-emerging diseases, insect pests and invasive weeds (water hyacinth, parthenium, etc.)

  1. Post-Harvest
  1. Evaluation and development of improved post-harvest crop handling, processing and value addition methods (storage methods and facilities, processing and value addition)
  • Modeling
    1. Assessing impact of simulated levels of carbon dioxide, temperature and rainfall  on crop performance using crop models
    • Biofuel
      Evaluation and identification of alternative plants for biofuel production potential to replace fossil fuel
    • Seed Systems
      valuation of alternative seed systems for efficient delivery of improved climate resilient crop varieties